
Archive for November, 2014

November letter

Dear everyone

The recent visit of the Nottinghamshire Ukelele Band to Mapperley Methodist Church was a very moving event. I was particularly taken with their playing and singing of Aida’s ‘March of the Hebrew slaves’ and their version of John Greenleaf Whittier’s hymn ‘Dear Lord and Father of mankind forgive our foolish ways.’

I think of the ukelele as a very basic instrument with a very humble origin. In a string band they have an enchanting and hypnotic effect – created simply by the players strumming in time and in tune together.

Behind this sense of ‘togetherness’ there something that is important for us all to experience. The world needs people of very humble in origin as well as the privileged, to seek ways in which they can be banded together to bring harmony, for this can be of tremendous therapeutic value for us all-even if we are just listeners.

The more ‘togetherness’ that we are able to get with those who are around us, and between the nations of the world, the happier we are all going to be. Much loneliness, isolation and misunderstanding and fear in society will disappear. We will even discover a fuller meaning of the word ‘peace.’

May we all practice the skills of togetherness that can bring harmony and peace in the world. In so doing we will be responding to the request of the Psalmist, who tells us to ‘seek peace and pursue it.’

May we all gain inspiration from the sense of belonging together that is found in a ukulele band!

Every blessing,


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