
Archive for November, 2021

Dear everyone.

Edward De Bono, one of my favourite writers, encouraged people when facing difficult problems to think ‘laterally,’ like the lateral shoots from a tree which branch out sideways as well as upwards in order to have the freedom of more sunshine, fresh-air and rain.

We have to grow in our thinking and acting like trees, shrubs and plants. We also have to spread out roots .We can’t thrive without growing . When we get older we tend to slow up in our development  , but that isn’t he whole story. Although  our growing up ‘slows up’   We, like the disciples have to keep on learning.

‘Seek and we shall find’ is good scriptural advice which applies to every day living. We frequently have to explore and look at life from different angles and not turn in on ourselves.   Life’s problems may need more time to think through more slowly, but longer care can create a stronger likelihood of success.  So much of our thinking takes place within the narrow confines of our upbringing, the organisations and the kind of societies to which we belong. We must all learn to live widely.

‘Our ways of thinking have to be replaced with a more positive approach’ writes De Bono   Our negativity has to go. We all have to look outside the confines of our small minded world’s   to something bigger.

At the present time,the world is facing   very difficult economic, moral and ethical problems: Covid and its aftermath of poor physical and mental health created by isolation and loneliness have left their sad mark on many families. Likewise wasteful use of the earth’s resources have seriously damaged the environment in which we live. We must use the world’s resources better than we have ever done before and less greedily.

We all have to face and respond to great dangers, otherwise we create great hardships to others as yet unborn.

 May we think about all these things carefully praying for peace and good-will -and for the safeguard of all human rights .The Earth is for us all to share and care about together.

With Every Blessing and all good wishes,

Yours sincerely,  

(Revd).David Monkton.

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